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After year of immense change, some workers fear return to ‘normal’

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“Hopefully, that gets the workforce in gear,” said Nowakowski. “But as of now, it’s just unbelievable.”
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To connect job seekers with available jobs across many different industries, PeopleReady is holding nationwide hiring events. The staffing company has a variety of ways for job seekers to access job opportunities: via app (JobStack) and online (jobs.peopleready.com).
But Emily Hartigan-Stein, 36, a conservative activist from Shoreview, Minnesota, said the showing still represented a return to the large, conservative rallies last seen regularly when Trump was still running for office.
There are a number of choices you can play around with, but either way, rather than spin your wheels trying to find a full-time job, you may be better off just piecing one together yourself. Of course, the downside of being a gig worker is that you're not entitled to benefits like paid time off or an employer-subsidized health insurance plan. The upside, however, is that being a gig worker may give you more flexibility. And depending on what you do, you may be able to command a higher hourly rate than you'd get paid in salary form.

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