For regular people, borrowing money is often something done out of necessity, say for a car or a home. But for the ultrawealthy, it can be a way to access billions without producing income, and thus, income tax.
You will most likely have to upload PDFs but it’s worth it for the return and you can submit handwritten notes but you’re likely to make more money if they’re typed up.
15. Work as a research participant Want some quick money without doing much work? Look into market research. Lots of companies look for input from consumers on products and services, and want your opinion. Typically, all it involves is you using or testing a product or service then writing a review, answering a survey, or discussing it with other testers.
If you’re a good artist — or even a clever slogan writer — you can earn royalties or licensing fees by uploading your art and allowing it to be sold on various products, such as coffee mugs and iPhone cases, made by print-on-demand companies. These companies, the best of which include Fine Art America and Redbubble, make, market and mail the products, and license the art that decorates the items. Artists set their own royalty rates. The print-on-demand operation adjusts the price of items to reflect your take.
Things to remember when looking for bonuses
COVID-19 was meant to usher in a flexible work revolution. But for part-timers, it's making things worse.