The nuptials business is back in action. Here are 10 ways to cash in.
Content creation drives the creator economy. Whether it’s writing blog posts, snapping pictures, or filming videos, content creation that’s read and viewed is key. Think of it this way: content creation in the creator economy is what producing goods are to the industrial economy.
Dodge City, Garden City, Liberal – 15 positions across 4 stores
Most of these sites like Nexus Notes and Stuvia are free for you to list your notes but tend to take a cut of your profit in order to handle the marketing etc so that you don’t have to go out there and promote your notes yourself.
Financial Advisor
With people increasingly looking to buy online, it’s not just to Google’s benefit. “It’s happening right now. It’s been happening through the pandemic, there’s been more digital demand for goods and services,” she said. “Google has benefited from that, but Amazon has benefited more.”
Start a Catering Business — or More Likely, Gig for Someone Else’s
2. Selling ad space to businesses Advertisement Joining an ad network is a great way for beginners to make money blogging. However, once the blog has grown bigger to 100,000 pageviews, consider selling ads directly to businesses.