Influencers earn money a number of ways, from sponsorships to selling merchandise.
“They’re flat-out wrong," he said of the headlines. "They (the workers) are fed up with corporate America. They're trying to find a different direction. In retail, they don’t want to work their holidays anymore, or their weekends. I know a lot of people in these businesses who’ve switched. Even before the pandemic, it was hard to find retail help.”
Hartigan-Stein said she was encouraged by the showing. In Minnesota, she said, “Stop the Steal” rallies following the election were hampered by bitterly cold temperatures and were sparsely attended. She said she had just returned from a Trump themed flotilla in Florida last week, and was uplifted by the attendance there and the field of full chairs at Saturday’s rally.
It is a truism of US history that whenever Black people assert their history, identity, and culture, there is a concomitant backlash from white reactionaries. As people across the nation proactively celebrate Juneteenth, there could be a surge of attempts to celebrate the Confederacy and the antebellum South — rallies at Confederate monuments, bills to glorify Confederate leaders with holidays and remembrances, a proliferation of signs and symbols of white supremacy.
यह कंटेंट पेड फीचर है और इस लेख में किए गए किसी भी तरह के दावे की पुष्टि या समर्थन दैनिक जागरण नहीं करता है। यूजर्स अपने विवेक के आधार पर ही फैसला लें।
♦ अपनी वीडियो में लोगो को चैनल को subscribed करने के लिए बोलें। इससे आपको आगे पैसा कमाने में आसानी होगी।